Wednesday, October 27, 2010

. office space .

. i've been working from my laptop for over a year and a half and love it . but when i need to print out disc labels and invoices and so forth i have to set up "office" in the kitchen and while it works, it's not ideal . i have to pull this from here and that from there and then i get to it . i've been thinking it would be great to have a real office space with everything all in once place . i never thought i'd need a whole space for my work . i'm just not a business all . with that being said i love every step of the photography process . so, i've been wondering how i can change rooms around and make a space for my work . in a big old farm house, with only two people... you'd think this would be an easy task . we've been set up perfectly with the toy room for the occasional days that i babysit and kiddos come over with their mom's and a guest room for family and friends to stay overnight . so, now i'm trying to figure out what would be ideal . there's much to consider in doing this . the strange thing is i'm all about lighting now and the guest room has great light all day long, so i'd love to work in there . i'm not sure if it's a plus or a minus, but it's off the beaten path for sure . i've even rearranged and i think a desk would fit okay in there, although when guest stay my stuff will be a little in the way and if i need to do anything while they're here i'd have to invade and i really don't like the idea of that . and i'm sure my guests don't either .
. see, new space, i was surprised how much i gained by moving the bed .
. the other option, that would seem to make the most sense, is the toy room .
. big drawback is the lighting, not so bright and seems dreary to me, even on bright sunny days . the other is how much this room does get used . i can't imagine what kids would do when they came if that room was my office, and really there's kids here a lot . and a combo of the two doesn't seem like a very good idea...cords and important paperwork and toddlers running around ??

. ooh, another thought i just had is to change the little 'sitting room', where we hang out and watch tv into my office .
. and move the tv out into the big room . hmmmm, i might just like that idea ! i haven't run any of this past the hubby, i'm sure he'll have an opinion...that i will of course take into consideration .
. a lot of you that read this blog have great ideas and have seen my place . and really, if you've read my blog long you've basically seen my place too . :) do you guys have any great ideas ? if so, i'd love to hear them ! leave a comment here or send me a message .

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