Tuesday, April 6, 2010

. yellow flowers .

. these beautiful yellow flowers that i stole from a bush at the airport are making me want a bush just like this in my yard, just for cutting . i love the color ! i think it was a sunshine forsythia . that's what i found by googling anyway . any of you grow these beautiful bushes ?
. they sure brightened up my back porch area .
. love what they do for the back porch .

. yellow flowers .

. yellow flowers .
. ahh, spring .


  1. I have ALWAYS wanted one of these. We had one growing by the back gate on the home place. I have no idea if my mom planted it or if it was there when we moved there, but it was lovely. Never got near one or searched for one in a catalog and then opened my purse. Let's do it! Aunt N

  2. so pretty!! my parents love them and have been asking me if ours around here are blooming yet!!
