Tuesday, March 2, 2010

. today .

. loving this sunshine .
. not even noticing the snow .
. wishing elsie's chewing problem was no more .
. drippy nose, stuffy head .
. drank warm lemonade with cayenne pepper, uck .
. first day i haven't had coffee in over a week (did you know that decaf has caffeine in it!?gasp!) .
. yummy olive garden .
. realizing springs busyness is going to hit me hard after a long, slow winter .
. tons of phone calls, 2 to my mom .
. thankful for my family and friends when i'm lonely .
. laundry .
. find out my little (well, he used to be little) cousin got engaged .
. dreaming of my future.
. clean the oven .
. dreaming up ideas for a funky photo shoot in a few weeks .
. tulips dying .
. prepping to shoot my last wedding, i've decided they aren't for me .
. making phone calls about renting a studio space .
. loving my smart husband lots .
. working on new price list .
. praising God for how very bless i am just to have Him in my life .

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, your head can't be too full with all those thoughts whirling about in it!!!!!! Or maybe it's full because of them. (c: Aunt N
