. i'm feeling like pretty hot stuff lately going on all these dates with these good looking guys ! to see my previous date,
go here . it's kinda fun dating around . (grandma, did you just gasp?)
. anyway, onto reed's and my date . we went ice skating . i've never been before and he went when he was like 2 or something, so i knew this would be interesting, but was up for the challenge .
. reed is a natural at sports though so i knew all he needed was a little time .
. there was a lot of this .
. and this .
(notice my lovely form in the glass...ug, i had 'never been ice skating before' written all over me) .
. and this .
. well, you get the idea .
. notice the ice on his shoulder .
. but towards the end, after watching others who actually knew how to skate and talking with a little 5 year old (boys and that competition thing, man!) who was a little pro (not really, he had just had lessons) reed was challenged to do more, faster and better . this also caused for harder falls . but towards the end he really was getting the hang of it and wasn't as scared, you can even tell the difference in these next few photos compared to the first ones .
. he didn't stray too far from the wall, and when he did i was pretty close and didn't risk trying to take photos for fear we would both end up on the ice .
. like i said, my first time...at least i have the roller skating concept down so i did...well, let's just say i didn't fall .
. awesome time together with this little guy...i love him !